Garbage classification tree new wind civilization creation I first -- Jilin High-tech Zone Communist Youth League carried out "garbage classification volunteers in action" theme activities

来源:   时间: 2023-12-04 14:55
  为深入学习宣传贯彻习近平总书记给上海市虹口区嘉兴路街道垃圾分类志愿者回信精神,Further promote the propaganda work of domestic waste classification in our district,Give full play to the demonstration and driving role of volunteers and service teams,Gradually raise the people's awareness of classification and enthusiasm for participation,The Communist Youth League of Jilin High-tech Zone organized the Youth League at all levels in the region to organize the theme of "garbage sorting volunteers in action"。
  "Volunteer service into the community, garbage classification publicity people do"
  In order to further enhance community residents' understanding of garbage classification knowledge, enable residents to establish environmental awareness of garbage classification, and advocate residents to actively participate in the action of garbage classification, Fenglin community carried out garbage classification publicity volunteer service activities publicity lectures。
  "Little Volunteer, Little Speaker"
  Jilin City Second experimental Primary School high-tech campus organized students to go into the community,By issuing the "Guidance Manual on Household Waste Classification",In the face of the residents to explain the classification method of domestic waste, the way of delivery and the disposal method of harmful waste,The participation of residents in garbage classification has been improved,It has enhanced residents' awareness of environmental protection and their cognition of building a "green home"。
  "Let garbage sorting become a new fashion"
  Yangtze River community through the innovation of "four-color publicity board", knowledge question and answer, "carry out urban solid waste classification science base class" and other various ways,Carry out garbage sorting campaign,Distribute publicity materials on garbage sorting to community residents,Explain the knowledge of garbage sorting,Big friends, children involved,Enjoy it,Learn more in it。
  "Garbage classification starts with me"
  The Shuigang Community, together with the High-tech Campus of the Second Experimental Primary School and Rongguang Village, organized the Red Collar Towel volunteer service team to clean up the garbage in the area and guide the residents to correct garbage classification face-to-face, etc., to enhance the residents' awareness of garbage classification, develop the good habit of garbage classification, show the power of youth and drive the enthusiasm of residents to participate。
  Protect the environment first
  Shantou Community Youth Volunteer Service team formed an alliance with the volunteer service team of the Party Branch of the hospital directly under the Medical College to carry out the ecological environment protection volunteer action, clean up the garbage by the river, and provide a good leisure environment for residents。
  "Set off a wave of household waste classification"
  Yixin Community carried out the "Garbage Sorting Volunteers in action" garbage sorting public welfare class activity in the community activity room.18Within the jurisdiction610The children, accompanied by their parents, participated in this activity, and carried out prizes in the mode of answering questions, "throwing garbage" with simulated garbage cans and participating in garbage classification flying chess, so that children and parents realized that garbage classification should start from me, from a small start, from the family。
  Since the beginning of the year, Youth League organizations at all levels and Young Pioneers organizations in the high-tech Zone have actively carried out a variety of garbage classification volunteer service activities, so that garbage classification has been deeply rooted in the people's hearts and gradually become a good habit。At the same time, the majority of league members and youth have a solid in-depth look at the front line, find the shortcomings of garbage classification, widely solicit the opinions and suggestions of residents, and effectively implement the long-term mechanism of garbage classification。
  The Communist Youth League of High-tech Zone will continue to publicize the knowledge of garbage classification in various forms,Actively carry out voluntary service activities,Give full play to the dedication of young volunteers,Advocate more people to take the initiative to participate in the classification of domestic waste action,Continuously improve residents' awareness of protecting the environment and protecting the environment,Contribute youth power to the construction of beautiful high-tech。(Zhang Xinzhuo, Youth League Work Committee, High-tech Zone)
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